#30 - The Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth 2
I really couldn't think of any genre better for reenacting your favourite battles from the Lord of the Rings, and Battle for Middle Earth 2 is just the game for that. A wide variety of factions to choose from: from the Elves, Men of the West to the Orcs of Mordor and Isengard. Each faction is unique, has it's own units, some special buildings and heroes. The campaign takes place in the War in the North, not following the Fellowship like in the original game. I can see why people might find this disappointing, but the missions are still great and funny enough touch a couple locations that are now in the Hobbit movies. There is also an evil campaign that plays out more like a "what if" scenario. Theres also the skirmish matches which allows you to pit your faction against anyone you wish and have a standard RTS type of battle. Also this Total War-esque board game like game mode where you control territories and build armies and fight on the battlefield when the two armies meet on the board. The heroes are by far my favourite part of the game, there's nothing quite like destorying entire armies with Tom Bombadil's jolly stroll or ripping down your enemy's base with the Nazgul and the Fell Beasts.