Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
System: Nintendo 3DS
Genre: Tactical Role-Playing Game
Year: 2005 (2011)
Rank last year: New (*)
Having known about the series for quite some time, I didn't actually got to play any of the games until it came to 3DS as one of the free 'Ambassador Games'. Needless to say, I've been missing out and have ben looking for a good complete copy on it's original platform GameBoy Advance ever since. Also needless to say, I need to play more games of this series.
It's the only game on the list of which I never played the original release, but rather a port. Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones is a tactical RPG that follows the path of a prince and princess and their aids to prevent their nation's fall to the evil power of the 'Sacred Stones'. The game makes the perfect balance between newcomers to the series (or the genre) and seasoned players. Fire Emblem is easy enough to pick up and play, but deep enough for those that want to go further. The addicting gameplay and story got me hooked for hours on end, yet it still took some time to finish this big game!