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It's too easy to impress some of you guys here. Watch Dogs, Unity, Far Cry 4, Infamous, Evil Within, Alien Isolation, these are all current, NOT next generation gaming graphics. Next generation graphics means that the game MUST look better than any game preceding it, hands down. There is no such game that looks hands down better than Crysis 3, Metro LL. Therefore, we haven't yet entered the true realm of next gen graphics leap.

Real next generation gaming graphics that we'll see in games once developers start coding for next gen hardware without caring for PS3/360 is like this and it looks far beyond any game we have now:

Kholat, coming 2015, real time graphics.

Far Cry 4 is just next gen on paper but it's still based on last gen's Dunia 2 engine. Same with The Anvil Next. These are all last generation game engines with slight tweaks. Next gen gaming requires all new next generation gaming engines. Right now Ubisoft has no such engine in house.