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I completely disagree as do most PC gamers. It's not even in the top 5 of the best looking PC games, easily outclassed by Crysis 3, Metro LL, Ryse: Son of Rome, Skyrim/GTA IV modded.

Here are the main isssues:

1) Low polygon NPCs look ugly up close; they also have very poor /primitive facial animations.

2) Pre-baked lighting model is miles behind Godrays of games like Crysis 3 and Far Cry 4. The shadows are primitive, with many in-game objects appearing as if they are floating above the ground/floor. None of the shadows or lighting in the game is dynamic which produces unrealistic shadows/missing shadows in many parts of the game. Lighting and shadow model especially in the interior of buildings is completely broken in the game, and has no realism to it.

3) In general the game is ridden in Low polygon characters and low polygon objects. The detail level on Geralt in the Witcher 3 is above any details of in-game characters in Unity in cut scenes! On top of that you have character model clipping even in places where are not a lot of NPCs.

4) Poor level of detail in far draw distance. Anything much beyond 15 meters looks washed out in terms of textures. Textures are also very low quality for foliage/grass, and in game objects up close.

5) Lack of any realistic physics models / object interaction. Main character falling into a hay cart does nothing to the cart. Physics model is nowhere near Crysis 1 from 2007.

6) The hair in the game, especially in cut scenes, looks horrible.

- Horrible textures, broken shadow/lighting model, low polygon characters/faces:

- Unrealistic looking hair and facial animations

Those Ubisoft pre-rendered PR shots are nothing but BS. The final game looks nothing like them in real life/in motion. At best the in-game graphics are at 2010/2011 PC level.

You can cherry-pick a ton of games that look amazing in select screenshots.

Optimization is also horrendous as maxed out it looks like crap in many scenes.

To call this game the best looking game is an insult to gaming graphics or you've been playing on consoles for too long. Total Biscuit agrees with all of my main points:

"Texture quality is awful, even on characters clothing, huge popin, incorrect lighting, faulty texture streaming "

Star Citizen, Witcher 3, Project CARS will all make Unity look "last generation" in comparison. Unity is still between half to a full generation behind Crysis 3, nevermind these other games.