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This thread is to reflect back on 2014 and grade the systems you own.  


Sony PlayStation 3 - After 2013 was an amazing A+ banner year for the system, it cooled off as the generation wound down.  Still, many great games came out with Tales of Xilla 2, South Park, Child of Light, and Dark Souls II being highlights. It also managed to have many cross titles with PSV and PS4 to keep it relevant.

Grade  B


Sony PlayStation Vita - While the market has condemned the Vita to obscurity in the west, for me this was the banner year for the handheld and my most played system by far of 2014. Dangan Ronpa, Shinovi Versus, and Demon's Gaze were all great fun.  Added to this were several cross PS3 titles.  May not be for everyone, but I am loving my Vita.

Grade  A+


Sony PlayStation 4 - The ramp up is still going on with many games being cross gen titles (although I enjoyed Diablo III and Dynasty Warriors 8 a great deal), but the stand outs like Infamous showed the systems potential.  Overall, a solid year that really sets up 2015 in many respects for the system to show off what it can do.

Grade  B


Nintendo 3DS - 2013 was insane for the 3DS (easy A+) and 2014 felt like a major hang over year for the system to me.  I enjoy Pokemon, but X/Y interested me way more than the remakes.  It wasn't terrible, but I got spoiled last year and actually found the system untouched for weeks this year.  Hoping 2015 sees it spring back.

Grade  C-


The Nintendo Wii and Microsoft Xbox 360 were left off because I did not play on them this year and felt unfair to grade them in same way wouldn't really grade my Genesis or Gameboy.  Also, I do not own the Nintendo Wii U and Microsoft Xbox One so "N/A" for now.