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i recently tried continuing my play through of 零 〜濡鴉ノ巫女〜 on it, and to be honest the console doesnt deserve to do well, its so behind the times on so many levels, a major one for me being region locking, but not just for games but for languages too, chinese machines can only do chinese, japanese machines can only do japanese, english machines can do a couple european languages but not asian, meanwhile the competition blows it away in terms of language support.
Then theres the game itself, if its succeeded in anything, its of reminding me how clunky and poorly designed the wiiu tablet is, having to tilt the entire thing 90 degrees to get a portrait shot is a chore and overall, the game somehow manages to take what should be an intuitive method of play and turn it into a chore, i find it hard to play because i dread the instances where i will need to use the tablet as a camera, then theres the general clunkyness of the game itself.
if they spent as long design testing the console as TK spent on boob physics in this game, maybe the wiiu wouldnt be so bad.

Oh, and the graphics for fatal frame V look like ass in person.