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XB1 since they have games I'd want, are somewhat cheaper than the PS4 and I enjoyed my time with the 360 unlike my PS3 which broke down near the start of last gen and never got replaced since.

I've got a PC so multiplats aren't a worry for me, got over the muddy start that MS had unlike others who still cling to it thinking it a still valid reason to paint them as some evil saturday cartoon villain (seriously get over it).

MS just has what I want, Sony doesn't have anything to entice me and at this point I'm fed up with Sony fans, I've put up with MS and Ninty fans for so long but PS fans thus far have really done nothing but make me see them as children because of MS tripping up and thinking of different ways to entice people.

That and I'm not really all for having both an Xb1 and PS4 for online play, it would have to be the XB1 but even then I'd mostly play online multiplats on my PC while the Wii U has free online play and I can't trust Sony online at all with what's happened in the past.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"