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NobleTeam360 said:
Downplay in 3. 2. 1....

Lol, downplay?  How bout disprove?  And with simple math.  Of course, if people want to blindly believe this, I realize why they wouldn't want to follow, but do try.

According to their last year's "findings," the PS4 and the PS3 sold around the same percentage/amount.  Because of Sony's PR from their launch, we know the PS4 sold ~1M its launch week in the US.  This means it only sold ~100K on Black Friday week, since it sold ~1.1M in Nov.  So, infoscout is saying the PS3 sold 100K on Black Friday.  So, only 1/4 of its sales for the entire month, since it sold 420K in Nov.  If you know anything about Black Friday, you know this is impossible.  Just the previous year the PS3 sold ~74% of its entire Nov sales during Black Friday (525K out of ~710K.)  Meaning probably ~65%-70% on Black Friday.

So, yea, infoscout debunked.  The more you know.