Blast Corps
System: Nintendo 64
Genre: Miscellaneous
Year: 1997
Rank last year: New (*)
This unique game is like no other. I couldn't think of any that's remotely comparible anyway. Blast Corps is the first of a slew of Nintendo 64 games on my list, my favorite console of all time. The game, by Rare, has the player playing through many missions of demolition. The player must destroy dedicated buildings in each level in a variety of original ways, every time with a different type of vehicle.
Personally I hated the hard-to-handle dump truck, the weak buggy and the sluggish 'sidewinder', a truck with arms stretching from it's sides that 'punch' buildings. The straight-forward bulldozer, the rocket cycle and every one of the giant robots were great to use though. While progressing through the many levels, challenge increases greatly. Time limits become tighter and objectives become more complicated. To keep the game from becoming stale, there are several levels with different gameplay-types like racing. Such a unique game, with a good sense of humour, is truly memorable.