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I played it a while ago,  remember really hating it...

But then again, there are two games I find playable on the Atari 2600, they are: Enduro and River Raid, everything else is just too limited to be meaningful in anyway.

I think that before the NES area this is like the pre-historic period of gaming, especially for home consoles... the Coleco had a few really good and surprisingly advanced games, but from what I understand management though there were enough games on it at some point and stopped releasing new titles... (the drop in investment was probably caused by the video game crash?)

So then came Nintendo with the NES, it had a good controller (hands down the best of its time) and hardware powerful enough to enable early adventure titles like Zelda, Kid Icarus, Metroid and third party games like the Mega Man series... so on and so forth, all this was unthinkable before then and they're all enjoyable to this day!