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I always look at a Nintendo as a whole package. OK, releases maybe at a lower rate than on other consoles, but most games are absolute gems. I for one don't have the time to be gaming all the time. Clocked over 75 hours on Xenoblade Chronicles and I'm not even nearly finished... My Wii U has a big backlog on games I have to play (imho) and I'm fine with a release every 1,5/2 months. Haven't even touched/bought many indies I still need to play.

Maybe it's me, but when I hear people buy a XBOX for Halo or a PS for GT my head hurts. Many games for Nintendo are equally good or better and for some stupid reason these people don't even consider buying the console for these. Yeah sure, with a XBOX and PS you're set for more releases. But I just don't want to miss out on gaming pinnacles that are games like Xenoblade's, Zelda's, Mario's, Mario Karts, Pikmins, DK's, SSB's. Maybe they're not all your cup of tea, neither are they all for me. But I've a broad enough interest in game type's. And Nintendo has very, very good installments en nearly all segments of gaming. Platformers, arcade racers, (J)RPG's, action adventure, fighters, smash'm'ups, party, et cetera. What is there not to like about such a complete package?
If you like detailed, polished and fulfilling installments in these game types you have to own one. Period. People go all out balls out on other consoles all the time. It's the simple reason I buy a Nintendo console, regardless of what's released in the future. Whatever happens. I KNOW after all is said and done I'll own a console with at least 10 or 15 games I wouldn't have missed for the world.

For every poorly executed, glitched, buggy, unpolished or overhyped W_D, CoD (AW is a step in the right direction), AC, Star Wars The Force Unleashed, Destiny, or whatever that go on to sell millions and sell consoles like hot cakes, there is a good, nice, polished, enjoyable, fun, etc. game out on a Nintendo console. Still people claim it's not worth it. I find that quite ironic tbh. Again, maybe it's just me, but I greatly enjoy Nintendo consoles and games as well as other systems and games and think almost every machine has things worth it. But hey, calling them doomed, stupid, kiddy. casual or what ever is hip and happening so some people just jump on that bandwagon because it's so cool...