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naruball said:
LordLichtenstein said:

1. An open-world Pokémon game, build around the same engine Ni-No-Kuni used, or perhaps an even better one. 

2. Release the game with the first 151 Pokémon.

3. Base it in the Kanto region (Red/Blue).

4. Don't use hack'n slash - use turn based combat. It has work for the series for many years.

5. Use expansions to open the world; add new regions, moves and Pokémon

6. THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE. Capture the beauty and feel of Pokémon.

Where's that serious clapping dude when you need him? Anyway. My thoughts exactly.



Many people forget that just because pokemon games still sell well, gamefreak has no reason to try anything serious/new. Well look at the sales of red/blue. Most of those people grew up and never returned to the franchise. Almost every single friend of mine used to play pokemon but they didn't care for the franchise after a while. Sure, it has a core audience, but it could "bes so much more". I bet millions would even buy a wiiu for a Nino Kuni  version of Pokemon. Myself included. If it fails, it can still be considered on eof the many spin-pffs that didn't do very well.

Finally someone who agrees with me :D