i actually really like the xbox 1 power supply being separated as it enables it to be switched out if it brakes or if you import a consoles from different region, if they get special versions of consoles like a hello kitty edition the dreamcast got for example. But despite this the thing still is way bigger than the ps4. It seems MS really feared another RRoD debacle and over sized and cooled the thing.
I also dont like how the console looks, from all 3 consoles i think the ps4 for my taste looks the best. The ps4 looks like consoles used to be in all honestly. The wiiU is clearly designed like the PS2 and all consoles who followed that concept of putting your consoles vertically to look like pcs or in the wiius case due to its smaller size like a wireless modem. Meanwhile the X1 looks more like a VCR type device or other video equipment. Sony was the only one who literary thought out of the box and shaped at least their console a bit different than just another quader like design. They also put two USB ports at the front which makes it even more like consoles used to be while x1 has them at the side.
I hope MS and Nintendo follow the example of Sony and let this whole PS2 scheme die and go back to their roots with their newer designs.