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While console sales in general got a kick in the teeth, portables suffered even greater. Taking that into account there is also the fact that fading sales over the lifespan of a console is a very normal thing. in About 1,5 years they'll announce a new handheld. It will come a year after that and we'll start all over again. If you look at the graph over the years it is quite flat. Yep there's a decline but for the most part that's a natural decline.

On a side note. You can't 1:1 compare console sales form similar parts of lifetime over the course of the last few years. The console sales have been in a steady decline the last few years, dropping 10's of millions at a time. For instance you can't say that when sales drop 15% for brand A while the market shrinks by 20% (fictive numbers) that brand A is doing very bad because they are actually beating the negative trend.