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If we assume VG Chartz is accurate (IMO PS4 is still under tracked), then PS4's at 14.4M by the 15th of November, it's doing 500K a week and Black Friday could easily see at least 800k, if not a million, so in that case we're looking at 15.7-15.9M by the end of this month.
18M is easy and probably far lower than anyone should expect at this point.

Personally I think PS4 should have sold over 14M by the end of last month. I think Destiny, the White model and Driveclub weeks are each still under tracked by 100k-200k each week respectively, even going back to when Sony announced they'd sold over 10M (between the 9th and 16th of August) VG still has PS4 at 9.9M, when it should probably be over 10M potentially anywhere below 10.5M.
I think COD week should be seeing even better sales than Destiny, possibly another 300K on top of what it's marked down as on here. I'm personally setting my numbers for the 15th of November as being 15.5M PS4's sold, with 600K-700K for last week (22nd Nov) and a further 1.1M for Black Friday week.
I put PS4 as selling 17.2M by the end of this month.

Personally I think it will go on to sell another 3M units next month at least, if not closer to 4M, so IMO at a minimum 20M is what PS4 will sell by the end of this year, although I don't think it topping 21M is out of the question.

I think Sony can easily ship 22M by the end of this year, if they upped their average over the 15months it will have been shipping to 1.46M a month, not that hard considering they were at 1.1M a month average over the first 3 months of shipments last year.