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There isn't much I agree with in here, but I did think this line was valid:

"Pachter said, observing that many publishers "don't know what to do with" the new demographics of female and older gamers."

This is a problem that I think Nintendo is going to run in to. Third parties may suspect -- or even know -- that there is more money to be made on the Wii than on the 360 or PS3, but they simply will not know how to cash in. They just have no idea what types of games to make. 

N'gai Croal described this as: "It's possible that 3rd party companies are genetically unequipped to survive in a market where Nintendo is king" (okay, I admit the wording might be slightly off), and to some extent, I think he's right.

Nintendo is way ahead of everyone else. Which sounds like an enormous compliment, but to some extent it's not; the DS has been out for 3 years, and thus far no companies have succesfully tapped into the Nintendogs/Brain Age/Big Brain phenomenon. The DS hardware keeps selling and selling, the Nintendo software keeps piling up sales, and yet no one is catching on">">