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I also don't understand why it hasn't been adjusted to 1M as of October 25th...

By the way guys I also found an interview done by JDLI (a french magazine) and Philippe Cardon, CEO of Sony France, Benelux.
The Interview was done late September/early October. at page 14 (french language, of course...)

I'll translate the interesting part here:

JDLI: After 10 Months on the market, is the PS4 still selling well ?
Philippe Cardon: Of course, sales of PlayStation 4 meet our expectations. The launch has been excellent and the demand is still very high across all territories. We announced at gamescom, less than nine months after the release, the figure of 10M sold worldwide. It took twice as long for the PlayStation 3 to reach that threshold, which clearly illustrates the dynamism of this new console. And we're talking about sell out, that is to say, sales to consumers, not the stores. The trend is very encouraging.
JDLI: Sales figures by territories, however, remains a secret...
Philippe Cardon: It's true that Sony has chosen not to provide sales and installed bases territory by territory. But we still announced that the UK sales had exceeded one million units. And at least one other European country is expected to exceed this threshold in a few weeks, I'll let you guess which one.

So it was expected...
Any thoughts ?

Prediction: End of 2015 Hardware sales (as of January 20, 2015)

Wii U: 12.1M | XBO: 19.8M | PS4: 36.0M | 3DS: 58.5M | PSV: 11.7M