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Yeah, NO. Here's my list.


Impose a 35% national sales tax, with every American citizen receiving a $10,000 rebate ($830/ month). This means that if you live for less than $7,000 per year, your life is free, if you make up to $30,000 you live tax free, and your tax rate will never hit 35% no matter how much you make.

2. Single Transferable Vote for all elections.

Seriously. Watch the CGP Gray video on Youtube. This alone would fix America's party problems.

3. Laws and classified material expire after 20 years. Laws can be repassed.

If a law worked, it should repass easily in a rubber-stamp. Democracies live on the people knowing things, though, so renewing classification should be reserved for things of great need.

4. All nationally elected officials should be paid based on the average national income. They should get penalized if income inequality becomes too wide or debt exceeds 35% GDP. They should forfeit all benefits should debt hit 100% GDP.

A little debt is healthy. 100% GDP means paying the debt back is almost impossible. I want congress to panic if we get close to that, not play "let's shut the government down for a weekend."

5. Laws need to have a due diligence period before they are passed to investigate unintended consequences. The bigger the bill, the longer the due diligence period.

Obamacare is the big recent offender. Apparently they thought McDonalds would love to pay healthcare for 30 hour/ week employees rather than hire more people. The endangered species act is another good example because it incentivizes killing endangered species to protect your land rights. Research what you are doing, you IDIOTS.