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People need to realize a shit load of people bought the DS multiple times. I remember my Dad buying my 3 sisters a DS and over it's lifespan bought at least 5 replacements.

They all (plus my mother) have ipads now. How the times change. My cousins house is the same. They bought multiple DS' over it';s life for their 2 kids that played it. And my younger cousin is at the age where every kid used to be addicted to the DS and now all he wants is temple run and other shit but addicting games on their ipad.

A new 3DS will boost sales for a little while and that's it. The thing is Nintendo to stay future proof had to invent the iphone instead of apple. If they had any foresight they would have seen that as the way to go. But i'm being wise after the fact.

Anyway the point is Nintendo will have their work cut out getting their nose back into the mobile market. the dedicated gaming ship has sailed.