God, I feel so bad for this guy. The crap he's gonna get from fanboys for talking about crap he works on. XD
I mean, seriously, for all this hullabaloo about differences in "power", what differences do we actually get even in multiplat releases? Slight differences in resolution and frame rate that the lay gamer won't even care about?
I don't know about you modern console fanboys, but back in my day consoles had differences in power that were noticeable and affected what kinds of game the console could have. SNES was capable of mode 7 and superior colors, so it often got more colorful games and games with "fake" 3D thanks to built in hardware scaling (Genesis was capable of similar scaling on the software side, but it was so difficult to implement that only a handful of games ever did, and it never looked as good). In the next generation, N64 was easily capable of the smoothest and largest 3D worlds, it was a 3D powerhouse. PS1 had lesser 3D capabilities but utilized CDs which allowed for much larger, cinematic experiences. SEGA Saturn produced the best 2D visuals of its generation by a landslide, but struggled with 3D due to its use of quads and its multiple processors, which should have made it at least as powerful as PS1 on paper, but only a handful of games would ever come close to demonstrating that because the damn thing was virtually impossible to work with.
I mean my god, in the generation after that we at least had some serious graphical effects that Xbox and Gamecube could pull off that PS2/Dreamcast couldn't (like fur shading on characters).
These days the differences between the two graphically comparable consoles can only be measured in frame rate and resolution...something no one outside of fanboys and graphics geeks even care about. What general consumer cares about "900p and 30 frames locked vs 1080p and 30 frames and above"? Lord knows I don't. Of course, I have a PC that runs circles around both, and I game mostly on Wii U, 3DS and Vita these days so I guess I have an outside perspective on this silly console feud.