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39. Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

MP2 seems to be the black sheep of the Metroid Prime series and I can understand the criticism. The plot overall was kind of boring and the environments are no where near as immersive or beautiful as in Metroid Prime. The light and dark theme is also a bit over the top in this game. But does that mean MP2 is a bad game? Of course not, it's still a great game and a great Metroid Prime game. Dark Aether really makes the game for me, it's so dark, hostile and eerie, really gives you a sense of hopelessness and loneliness.  The bosses are great (yeah even the Boost Guardian) and it fixes the only flaw the original game had: MP2 now has the Screw Attack! I might be alone on this one but MP2 will always hold a special place in my heart.

It seems I haven't been too sucessful with my hints so I'll go for some eaiser ones.

Hint for #38. This game, when released in North America, got an eaiser difficulty setting than the Japanese version. The Japanese normal difficulty became the Difficult mode in this game.