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ishiki said:
vivster said:
ishiki said:

The main character is much less annoying than Far Cry 3's main character.

I like the villain more too.

The gameplays pretty much the same though sligihtly improved and looks a lot better than Far Cry 3 does imo on PC.

I've been playing DA: Inquisition more though.

Probably because the guy from FC3 actually had a personality while this guy has none. They could've animated a brick that was able to walk and take orders and it wouldn't have made a difference.

Seriously I don't even remember his name and I just played it yesterday. This guy was absolutely dense and had no agency of his own. They might as well could've made him mute.

I dunno I prefer FPS be silent. IE (gordon freeman), than a person I wouldn't want to spend a minute with in real life.

I feel you. The guy from FC3 would probably never be on my friends list either but at least his actions are relateable. You know, like a real human being would react to things. While FC4 guy doesn't react to anything, which makes him completely inhuman. And a robot interacting with other humans is always weird.

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