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sc94597 said:
Goatseye said:
sc94597 said:
Goatseye said:
-Nintendo needs to develop Metroid series into a blockbuster title like Halo. Develop it into an amazing story telling FPS with a stellar MP. Find a Western studio for it.

Please no. Nintendo can do that with a new IP, metroid has a history and there are expectations in the genre for its fans, it is too risky to make it an entirely different game in hopes of appealing to new fans while distancing itself from the established metroid fanbase who will guarantee a purchase of the game.  I don't mind  good multi-player in Metroid games, but they shouldn't take from the single-player (ala Prime Hunters.) As for the story, I prefer the method of "telling a story through the environment" that Nintendo uses in Metroid game. Fusion and Other M weren't horrible games for me, but they definitely took the appeal out of the story by using a more cinematic approach rather than an environmental one. .

You think by going from 2D side scroller to 3D FPS ain't too risky?

Plus, making it like Halo will detract Metroid from single player? That's a game that does both right and should be an example for Nintendo.

It was risky, but they kept it in the same genre and appeased their fans when they made the transition. You are hoping to turn Metroid from an action-adventure to an action game. A good multiplayer doesn't necessarily have to detract from the single player, my issue is if they focused on multiplayer (as they had in the past) and the single player was of poor quality (Metroid Prime Hunters.) The only other example of multiplayer was Prime 2, and that multiplayer wasn't that great. I'm speaking within the context of Nintendo's limitations. If they can pull of a Metroid game with good multiplayer without taking from the single player, I'd love that. An example of a series like Metroid is Bioshock. I consider both games to be in the action-adventure genre, and much like how multiplayer detracted from the single player in Hunters, so did multiplayer detract from the single player in Bioshock, the difference is Hunters multiplayer was actually fantastic, while Bioshock 2's wasn't that great (in my opinion.) Bioshock and Metroid Prime also have similar story-telling methods (albeit Bioshock is more cinematic.) 

Metroid Prime Hunters was billed as an MP game anyway so it makes sense the SP would suck. Bioshock 2? it didnt detract from the SP. That is a fact. the MP aspect was made by a completly different dev team in a different country so how could it detract from SP when they had no interaction? Uncharted that is a series that got both right. IT can be done now whether Ninty has the SKILL to do it...maybe maybe not.