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the_dengle said:
DanneSandin said:

I can hardly remember any music from SS, while OoT and ALBW left more impressions on me... like I said; it wasnt bad music, it just wasnt as good as the rest of the franchise

LBW didn't have much new music. It was mostly arrangements of LTTP stuff. There were like 3 major new songs, and one of them was an old song backwards.

Funny enough, Ocarina also reused a lot of LTTP music, but at least it didn't overshadow the new tracks like Hyrule Field, Kokiri Forest, Gerudo Valley, dungeon themes and most Ocarina songs.

I really appreciate Skyward Sword's OST for making sparing use of the Fairy Fountain / File Select theme and Zelda's Lullaby, both of which have been overused to the point of being annoying since Ocarina of Time. It actually felt like a special occasion on the very few instances they played in Skyward Sword. The game had an enormous soundtrack, but it didn't really have anything comparable to Gerudo Valley / Dragon Roost Island, and the middle three harp songs didn't touch the best Ocarina & Wind Waker tunes. It did have some good stuff, though -- I think it's about on par with the Twilight Princess OST.

You got Groose, Ghirahim, summa this, summa that, some great boss music, some solid dungeon music, and some pretty nice shit on top of that. Also, dat staff roll. There's certainly more than that, but this is enough for now.

"I don't remember it" isn't a very strong argument against SS's music, especially when you're comparing it to LBW's OST, which consists mainly of music you've heard many times across many games for the past 20 years. Similarly, with Ocarina you've been hearing covers and remixes of all those songs non-stop for 15 years, not to mention the amount of mileage Nintendo continues to get out of them in Zelda games. Minuet of Forest in Wind Waker, Serenade of Water and Epona's Theme in Twilight Princess. Outset Island contains parts of the Kokiri Forest theme. Windfall Island contains part of the Kakariko Village theme. Nintendo won't let you forget this music.

sorry for taking such a long time to reply.

yes, thats all good to great songs, but nothing really stands out to me. I absolutely agree with you that it's nice of Nintendo to actually NOT reuse a lot of Zelda's main songs in SS, I've just always felt that SS ost didn't quite stack up to the rest of the series...

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