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Chrizum, you give it a 9.3?!

I don't get it. What's so great about it? Is it all the fanwankery? Is there a sub-space emissions test that unlocks David Hasselhoff? Do get to get to use the Wiimote like a gas pump to fill up your gas tank or some other added on shlock. It's not like it's real a racing game. Knowing Nintendo the online is probably horrible. Fervent forethought and analysis would probably make any one that's not just a Nintendo fan agree that it's not really a racing game like Forza or GT, it's just more of the Nintendo "WOW, dem sum brite purtee kulers!" kiddy stuff, right?

I mean, how can you take Kart seriously as a driving game when you control it with a steering wheel? That is such a gimmick, a driving game that uses a steering wheel. Why didn't they use a standard analog controller? How is someone who's not familiar with racing games going to understand how to use a wheel to steer a vehicle? It's like this games isn't casual (casuals won't understand the wheel), and it's not hardcore (because there is no Krystal). The hentai would have been amazing.

BTW: Do you use the Wiimote to change the oil?