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Teeqoz said:
foxtail said:

Even with inflation it's still only $64, but inflation with "consoles" doesn't work anyways because it's not heavily weighted in the CPI.

Look at it this way the PS1 launched at $299 and was reduced to $49, a reduction to 1/6 of its original price.  Wii launched at $249 and is now at $99.

99.99 including a game. The standalone game costs ~30$ new, which puts the effective price of the Wii at 69$, which is only 5$ more than the PSOne after you've taken inflation in account.

But now you're talking about value and while I agree they're similar in terms of value (broken down) I was strictly talking about the price of entry which was still a lot cheaper on the PS1 for its last ~13M .  Their strategy was to get the console sale first and worry about game sales later.

Either way if Nintendo tried to use that strategy today it wouldn't work for the Wii because it's lost too much steam.  Maybe if they had more aggressive price cuts a few years back they could've sold well over 100M but now it's too late and I don't think they care.