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41. Devil May Cry

Devil May Cry is the result of turning a Resident Evil prototype into a hack and slash and it works great! Even in 2013 (when I played it) I thought it aged decently well for an early 6th gen title. The graphics and atmosphere are great and the music is intense and fits the intense battles throughout the game. The game is divided up into levels based around the castle you spend the game in. The levels have you do specific tasks around the castle, like open up a door before the timer runs out and the breakup of the game into levels gives the player a chance to breathe and set back from the intense action.  I think probably my favourite part about the game is the crazy boss battles (especially the final boss) and the variety of powers and weapons that you unlock.

40. Halo 2

Growing up, I didn't really know anybody who had a Xbox. Almost all the kids I knew either had a PS2 or a Gamecube, but I did find a friend near the end of elementary school who did have a Xbox and with that Halo 2. I was a newbie to FPSes and the idea of co-op in the campaign just blew my mind. We pretty much spent most of the time screwing around on Outskirts and Metropolis. Playing around with the giant soccer ball and completely obliterating everything with the Scarab Gun. Nostalgia aside, Halo 2 has the most levels in the mainline Halo series taking you from Earth to Halo to High Charity. The levels overall are really good, not as open as Halo CE but more varied in terms of the environments you will fight in. The gameplay itself is not changed too much from Halo CE. There are no longer healthpacks since your health along with your shields also regen, you can now dual wield specific weapons along with a few new ones as well. Halo 2, then and now is still a great game.

Hint for #39. A tale of two worlds, but both worlds are just on one side of the same coin. The same holds true for you too.