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Well, considering that the Wii U is basically just re-using parts from Wii, wouldn't it stand to reason that they could conceivably keep manufacturing those cheap Wii Minis as long as they can? While noone really makes games for it anymore, the few games it got last year still did manage to chart.

Too bad noone apart from Nintendo and Ubisoft built up a legacy on the console to keep supplying it software as a way to balance their books(cheap to make, while selling relatively well to always make a profit). Just Dance was a nice boost for Ubisoft when it released, and it doesn't seem like Wii U will carry on that trend.

Disney Infinity was dropped despite selling well on Wii. I think Wii will always be remembered as a missed opportunity for me. Not just in terms of gameplay, but in terms of its importance to publishers to expand their markets and brands. Just filled with half-hearted tries, and threw up their hands in defeat to go chase the AAA core demographic.

Yeah, that market migrated, but if they had built up a franchise with some weight, they could have migrated their franchise to wherever that market went as well.