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The Wii is the console that brought me to Nintendo. Sure, I owned and loved my Nintendo handhelds before, but never a console (and I mainly played just Pokémon on the handhelds). TP was my first Zelda game ever. Super Mario Galaxy quickly became my favourite game. Brawl was my first Smash Bros and MKWii ended up being my most played game on the thing clocking in at over 300 hours.

I have a lot of great memories from the console. How about the forgotten WarioWare: Smooth Moves or the overhated and underrated Super Paper Mario. The Wii Fit and Wii Sports series were genuinely fun and unique. Xenoblade: Chronicles is my favourite jRPG. Then there's a long list of excellent 2D platformers, excellent WiiWare titles, the fantastic Virtual Console, oh, and its superb swan song, Skyward Sword.

I could go on and on - the point is that the Wii brought me to Nintendo and in my opinion has a phenomenal library of games. It upsets me to see it so routinely criticised.