The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
System: Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES), GameBoy Advance
Genre: Adventure
Year: 1992
Rank last year: 45 (^ 4)
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is the last and newest game on the list that qualifies as being a contender for being the very first game I ever played. The timing of it's release fits with when I started gaming, and I vividly remember playing it on my aunt's Super Nintendo. One thing's for sure, this game started my love for the Zelda franchise. Of course, being so young, I didn't exactly knew what I was doing in this game and just ran around aimlessly, but the magic was there. I was in awe. My aunt's file on the cartridge had the game beaten, so I could go anywhere I wanted. Including Ganon, the final boss. For the longest time, I swore this game was unbeatable and Ganon was impossibly difficult. It took me about a decade until I knew better, and beat the game on GameBoy Advance.
An enormously famous game, this game started a lot of the 'Zelda-lore' we know of today. It's an essential entry, and it's essential for anyone even remotely interested in the series to play through this. The main legend of the series was established here. Game-mechanics and dungeon-themes still prevalent today, are introduced here. Iconic music and sounds were introduced here and many, many more all rolled into a near flawless experience. This game doesn't have the word 'Legend' in it's title for no reason!