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riecsou said:
Kerotan said:

so what do they do if they lose November? 

Honestly if they loose November then it will be kind of game over. In a fun note Mod are gonna have a lot of work to do in banning people. It is going to be a mess in here. I will pleasantly watch from the side

If they lose November they lose December by even more unless Sony run out of stock. With all they've done the last 2-3 months if they don't win I'm gonna call it and say they lose Halo 5 month as well. Because even if they win November they will get badly beaten first 8 months of next year anyway. 

Torillian said:
Aqua believes that having the numbers in plain site (numbers posted in the topic title, OP) on a large public site like this is making NPD take notice and they're cracking down on leaks because of it. She believes that VGC is the starting point where these things leak across the internet at large and that's something she has to try and avoid if she wants to keep her access to the NPD numbers and give some people the ability to discuss them then she has to stay at least somewhat under the radar. As it is this is likely the last time we'll get leaks on NPD numbers from that particular source.

I've a theory. Sony last gen after a while decided to keep their numberz hidden. Now MS are doing it. What if that pisses NPD off and as a result they get one of their staff (codename aqua) to leake the numbers so they keep getting out there anyway. SO to keep MS and Sony (doubt they care) happy they need to put on a bit of faux outrage. 

I've read a lot of shit from aqua and for starters she is a he. And aquamarine sounds like someone sent on a mission.