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Torillian said:
You guys are correct, there's no rule against this, so if you want to ignore what the poor poster on Gaf is trying to do then I won't stop you. I've edited things out so that you guys could give this a think and decide if you want to earn the ire of another forum instead of being hated without reason. Enjoy your numbers for a month.

I understand what she's trying to do. I even sympathize with her. I also understand that the internet is an open source of information and information on the web will not be hidden. You cannot truly hide something you post online. The burden of protecting the data is on the leaker (Aquamarine). Other insiders there do not leak data, she does. Others leak cryptically. She has the option of doing group PMs, not posting, posting cryptic messages, posting messages, whatever. Just know that whatever is posted will be out on the net. Neogaf is not an NSA intranet site. Posts there, hidden or not, will get out.

Conegamer said:

Whilst I'm not sure about the practice of "disguising" the numbers in this way, what I do know is that these numbers are confidential and were asked not to be shared. Is that the right thing to do? Perhaps not. However the graph which was posted in particular is quite a clear violation of Rule 15 on this site. Read up on it if you'd like.

As Tor said however there's no well-defined rule about this, nor am I pleased with how the numbers were displayed in the first place. However a little courtesy would be appreciated for the longevity of the leaks; else soon enough we'll get nothing at all because people couldn't be discrete for a month. 

So I guess it's your call, really. We've made our decision and standpoint clear, now it's up to you whether or not you wish to respect that or not.

Could you kindly point me to that rule? I glanced through the TOS and did not find it:

I will NOT respect her wishes for us to not share the numbers here and have a discussion here. That should NOT be a bannable offense on this site that stands for sale and open discussion anyways. If she, or anyone there, posts it online, let me know and I'll post it here. Neogaf does not hate VGC because of the forums, they hate us because ioi used to be a member there and got permabanned for promoting VGC. Furthermore, a lot of the numbers here are off and look especially bad when company X releases sales data. Ioi did not help the cause when he didn't adjust the numbers after sony said how many PS4s were sold. Those are the reason they hate us, not because we discuss NPD data.

I'll say that I appreciate the leaks and I appreciate Aqua, cream, etc. I'll even be discreet about it. Iwill also agree with not putting numbers in the title of the thread, for example. However, I think their attitude is what's causing this bigger deal in the first place. Had they gone with business as usual, it wouldn't have blown up like this.

Ka-pi96 said:
Torillian said:
You guys are correct, there's no rule against this, so if you want to ignore what the poor poster on Gaf is trying to do then I won't stop you. I've edited things out so that you guys could give this a think and decide if you want to earn the ire of another forum instead of being hated without reason. Enjoy your numbers for a month.

Good to see it's still fine to post and discuss them.

However... GAF are hiding their numbers with email tags right? Couldn't we just do the same, then we get to discuss them and respect the leakers wishes.... right?

The coding for that probably doesn't work here and we don't want that. We want freeflowing discussions, not stupid email tags/hidden messages that break the flow of free dialogue.