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NewGuy said:

I think some Gaffers are hilarious and think they're in a "fight club" type of secret group.

Steve Youngblood - one of the few level headed mods there - said it best. That email tag crap won't work and will actually disrupt the flow of discussion. The numbers are ALREADY here. If I were a member, I would actually post the numbers regularly out of spite for that practice. It looks silly and childish to be honest. Heck, in the future ANYONE here that has a gaf account but is hesitant to post, PM me and I'll post the numbers. Or copy and paste what she said and I'll post it verbatim. 

That method and technique (email tags) won't work. She tried to ban herself so she would only post days later, that didn't work either. 

Here's an idea for aqua and company:

If you want to post numbers AND have an exclusive, elitist discussion about them, open up a google hangout group chat or a PM group chat on neogaf (I think those type of forums allow up to 10 people on a PM) and discuss away. Otherwise, don't post the numbers and keep to yourself like the dude with the ET avatar and John Harker.

I know aqua wants us to go to neogaf and discuss it there, but I'm not willing to give out my work email or old school email to Tyler and they won't accept gmail or other types of accounts, so it's a no go for me to join.

OT, that's a huge discrepancy between the PS4 and XBO. It's no wonder MS is being ultra aggressive this holiday season. WiiU is higher than I thought it would be.

Also Abdiel's post makes me question if XBO will really be number 1 in November. I still think it'll be, but probably closer than I thought.


Welfare said:
Really Ninsect? You had to do that? Without Aqua, we wouldn't even have those numbers. You even posted the graph she said not to disclose. Way to be a massive dick.

As GAF loves to say it, information on the internet is public. Ninsect did nothing wrong. If she wants it to be private, don't post it online.

Torillian said:
Alright guys, mod team has decided we're going to try and respect the wishes of the leaker so we can get information in the future and they don't have to worry about getting in trouble. Don't post the numbers in threads, you can PM one another about it if you like but public discussion is discouraged.

That goes against everything this site stands for. We shouldn't have to PM to have an open, freeflowing discussion. If they want to hide their numbers, they should do that. Sorry this makes no sense. If it's not here, it'll be on gamefaqs or another forum. She posted it online on a public forum, she has to deal with it and go to a private chat, not the other way around. Beyonce asked people to take her ugly SB pic off the net, how did that work out

Agreed.  This whole GAF verus the internet is ridiculous.