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Nem said:
ktay95 said:

Its as i thought. This is turning into FF vs Xenoblade. That is not the point i brought up.

The point i brought up is that there is no way the japanese arent excited for Xenoblade X. Especially since they are about FFXV and their aestethics are similar. As in open world action combat with lots of vistas. I am a JRPG fan and i find them both extremely appealing. Having played Xenoblade i can also tell that Xenoblade X is gonna end up beeing the better game despite graphic comparisons.

The power of brand, the console demographic, the public awareness, marketing, graphics and technical aspects Etc. FF is the flagship of Jrpgs. The list can't lie.

You can't objectively tell which game is going to be better, as XV Is a major departure from the previous games. That is not a well founded judgment, but I can respect it still.