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ktay95 said:
Materia-Blade said:

What do you think I'm talking about? nintendo is a direct competitor in the HOME CONSOLE department and it's doing better in japan.

Yes but they target different audiances mostly. Its like saying an NBA match and the new episode of Pokemon are direct competitors because they share a timeslot.

Also if we compare how long each have been out for its rather close and Nintendo has released most of its big hitters, Kart, 2D Mario, Fake 3D Mario, Wii Fit, Wii Sports, DK, Pikmin and soon Smash. Sony are yet to have FF, KH, RE, MGS, GTA, GT, Hot Shots, Tales of etc. All Nintendo really have left after this year is Mario Party which showed massive declines from 8 to 9, Animal Crossing and Zelda... if we still count that

you're calling wii fit, wii sports and pikmin big hitters? funny. only one of the games on your sony list actually belongs to sony. and nintendo has much more then what you mentioned. you didn't even mention xenoblade and star fox.

they are direct competitors, same audience.