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Veknoid_Outcast said:
DanneSandin said:
So you guys, what do you want from the new Zelda game? I kinda wanna see a cross between OoT and LoZ...

It's hard to say. As long as the fundamentals are there, I don't mind if Aonuma and his team take liberties. What I want, basically, is a non-linear action game with plenty of exploration, combat, and problem-solving. Tack on some interesting art direction, memorable music, and some new hooks and mechanics, and I'll be happy.

Having recently played Demon's Souls, however, I appreciate the fans who scream for an adventure that's more opaque and more oriented around combat.

Sounds like we're looking for the same thing! I wouldn't mind a great story to go with that as well, say, somethingaking to SS; Zelda and Link felt really genuine in that one. But I hope they put someone else in charge of the music; SS didn't have that great a soundtrack. Not  bad at all, just not... "Zelda-good".

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.