Well I finally made my list but after imposing a new rule on my list of I have to have played it in the last 5 years or it could not be on the list anymore..... games got cut. No more Dick Tracy, no more Animaniacs, NO MORE POKEMON. I felt like I had to do this because if I truly enjoy these games then they have to make me want to at least go back to them. It was because of this (and the release of 2 games that came out before the cut off date) that kept this list from coming for a while. Well........ lets get cracking.
50. WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$ (GC)
This game will never leave this list. I have said why for the last couple years.
49. Typing of the Dead: Overkill (PC)
If you love House of the Dead and want to learn to type or type faster than this is the Mario teaches typing of our generation, but not for kids.
48. Awesomenauts (PC)
I really dont like DOTA style games and they sometimes make not even want to put in the effort, but this 2D DOTA-like game hits all the right spots and makes even the shortest game you play in it worthwhile... as long as everyone has a decent connection.
47. Trine 2 (PC)
If you want to spend time with friends playing around in stupid easy physics puzzles then this is the game for you. It is one of the best co-op games that just let you mess around and take the game at your groups pace and that really adds so much enjoyment and comedy to this great game.
46. Odama (GC)
We need a sequel to this game. Please Vivarium.... Please.
45. Ducktales Remastered (Wii U)
It's Ducktales with a new coat of paint, plus I got a pin with it so now I am one of the cool kids now. This game is a great reboot to the NES game that it was named after and while short, is still a lot of fun, people say that the cutscenes ruin the game but those people can suck a lemon.
hint for 44: I am so glad this series came back recently now I check their site every week like I did over 10 years ago.
don't waste time
3DS FC 4914-3563-4510
NNID : turtuls