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I recently Platinumed Lords of the Fallen.

I've never played a Dark Souls game before so I went into it not knowing much and I have to say I really liked the game allot, beat it on NG++.

Though I enjoyed the game it does have issues;
-Game crashes (I've played about 95 hours and it's crashed about 10 or more times)
-it has a somewhat inconsistent frame rate with not to often but random screen tearing,
-Very obvious LOD pop in,
-Heavy use of the chromatic aberration filter (apparently a new patch will give an option to disable)
-weird graphical glitches like the edge of the camera catching and stretching enemies and their capes which you notice for about a sec when your moving the camera around to track enemies,
-character voices randomly stop working, requires quitting the game and restarting to have voices work properly,
-Audio logs in the game some times aren't registered as being collected, I believe this issue happens when the voice stops working,
-Game always stutters for about 1-2 seconds after saving from a check point,
-The game only installs like 5GB from the disc but then has a 5GB patch, the patch supposedly fixes some of the above according to the notes but honestly I've only played it with the patch and the above was my experience, there's suppose to be another patch coming but no word when it's coming to the PS4.

I've had this issue happen to me which I've not been able to find anywhere so I'm not actually sure if it's a glitch or just the way the game is, but while playing NG++ as a Paladin Fire based attacks would simply instant kill me, it didn't matter if I had all my armour equipped with flawless fire runes or if I had taken a fire resistance potion, if fire touched me I die, some times a fire arrow would leave me with 1% health but mostly I died. Magic and poison weren't an issue even when I had no runes to enhance my defence of those, it's why I think that fire damage bugged out on any case I bit the bullet and just trudged along till I got the plat.

Despite all the games flaws, the game was still fun to play, and when it worked was a very nice looking game with an interesting back story (gotta collect and listen to the Audio logs), the combat mechanics were good and exploring is key, it's how you find really good gear and most importantly Spell points and attribute points. Early on in the game levling was pretty easy, past lvl60-80 the experience grind becomes to much even on NG+ and NG++. The last boss on NG+ but more so on NG++ is a bithc so be prepared to deal some real damage otherwise your screwed.

I'm sure people will probably be put off by the technical issues, but it's still a fun game and I'd recommend it if you have some money to spare and nothing on your gaming plate....but then again I'm one of the few the liked Deadly premonition on PS3 which was an utter mess but I still found it fun and quirky as all hell, go the plat to boot....sooo take my recommendations with a pinch of salt.