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Star Wars: Rebel Assault II: The Hidden Empire

  • System: Mac
  • Year: 1995

The lesser of a few Star Wars games on the list, Rebel Assault II is a treasure cove of memorable Star Wars-quites. To me at least, because I played it so many times. The first game I had and played on a personal computer, my step-father brought it home together with a Macintosh computer which would be our very first PC. The game was also my first experience with the Star Wars universe, and I was hooked ever since, even to this day. Though the previous games in my list are half included for their sentemental and nostalgic value, Rebel Assault II actually belongs here. It is a great game!

The game is a rail-shooter, with various styles of gameplay. There are several flying levels, racing levels and shooting levels both in the third and first person. Some of these levels get quite intense with a ton of enemies on screen or obstacles to avoid. The variety never makes the game boring and on top of that it features a nice, fitting Star Wars-style side-story played out through live-action cutscenes. If I say here, in my house at any random time, the phrase "Imperial bucketheads", the responds from someone will be: "Just follow my lead, and do as I say."