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Wright said:

Not talking about you, but I've always thought that what people disliked wasn't that someone else was the main character, but rather, the bishonen aspect of Raiden. I think someone that resembled Snake more would have caused less uproar.


Of course, Codec Convos with Rose didn't help, either.

hmmm ok, yeah i remember part of that "controversy", but i never paid much attention to it since it never bothered me, i just heard more people complaining about not being able to play as snake.

but yeah i kind of remember that the president grabed raidens... balls to confirm if he was a man or not. which i must admit was really funny to me, and i never got the codec convos with rose... but i am going to replay all the games before MGS V comes out, i have the PS3 complete HD collection and havent played it yet, so im gonna try and get the codec to see what its about.