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To me the enjoyment of videogames has been somewhat stiffled by the new bussiness practices that has come in the last 5 years. Im fine with prices increasing on games even though for some reason only europe is affected, but with the advent of f2p games a title that would normally be sold as a 60 dollar title is now basically a pay to win game. That would be fine and all if the stuff requiring pay actually equated 60 dollars but in most games we are dealing with several hundreds. maybe even up to 1000. Not only that but it lacks singleplay components.

What is even worse is when you do pay for a retail release and they put those same microtransactions in. Combine that with overpriced dlc and you can end up spending 100 dollars more for 20 of the original content.

Theb there is DRM attempts by microsoft, preorder being showed down your throat, graphical lies by ubisoft, unplayable games on day 1 due to bugs and online payment required for online play on consoles. It all just adds up to things not being nearly as fun anylonger. If it werent for naughty dog i would propably have stayed on pc only for the majority of this generation