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EaglesEye379 said:

GC had 13% market share, XB had 15% market share, VGchartz data. The 360 is far from 'Gamecubing' and is well on course to beat XB lifetime sales by next year.

MS always had capable and successful competitors, its more of a case of people dismissing MS as a competitor. Based on the current hard numbers I dont see how they can think that.

The Gamecube  is a close third is your listed stats.  I see that's the best the 360 can do (unless MS does something phenomenal we haven't heard of).

Beating the XBOX1 sales is nice, but I never heard that as being MS' goal: I recall "first to ten million dominates".  Beating XBOX1 sales but staying in third place isn't dominating. I cannot believe (on launch) MS ever expected they would be third place in current sales in '08.  If that's what they really expected, that's not what they said.

At this point, I think fans would like to hear MS' prognosis of the way things are and their future plans (E3?).