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Duck Hunt

  • System: Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
  • Genre: Lightgun
  • Year: 1987
  • Rank last year: 47 (v 1)

Duck Hunt for the NES is also one of the contenders for being the first game I ever played. There's actually three games I think must be it, either this game, #14: Gunfighter (50) or a game that is yet to come further on in this list. Originally, only my aunt had an NES. It were the twilight years of the system, and the 'Super Nintendo', as we called the SNES, was beginning to hit it's stride. I can safely say my aunt got me into gaming in a major way, and when I was there, there were a couple games me and my cousin would play. Most of the time, it was either Soccer or Duck Hunt. We had the cartridge that also included Super Mario Bros., but we played Duck Hunt a hundred times more often than we played 'the main course'.

Probably everyone knows the concept, shoot every duck with the so-called 'Zapper' peripheral. In concept likely the simplest game to be featured on my list, but sometimes, it's the most simple things that are the most fun.