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Egann said:

"What the other companies are doing makes business sense, but it’s boring. The same games appear on every system. At Nintendo we want an environment where game creators can collaborate and think of ideas for games that could have never happened before.”

...and we're going to immediately make a Mario, Mario Kart, and Super Smash for it. Yeah, I call BS. Nintendo is likely the worst offender for the same games winding up on every system, followed by Microsoft because the Gears of Halo games aren't any different.


The Wii U is failing not because it isn't next gen, but because it launched too early. Compared to previous power differences between consoles--like the PS1 and N64, or Wii and PS3--the difference between the Wii U and a PS4 is effectively invisible. Heck, it would take a trained eye to tell the difference between a Wii U and a high end PC.

The problem was the Wii U launched first. Consumers said "I'll wait and see," and by the time competition came to market the Wii U had zero inertia.

They are a business and the Wii U is profitable so explain to me how is it failing? It underdelivers compared to the Wii but i see so many people who say they are failing when in reality it´s those people themselves who have 0 idea how a business works or what failing really means