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HollyGamer said:

that's  mean the company that pay for the NPD number (SONY, MICROSOFT, NINTENDO) have the right to publish it because they the one who pay right? if they have the right why it's hard to get the numbers.

Ther are two types of people that see the NPD numbers. Those that pay for it and those that have met certain criteria to be able to subscribe to the group. Now the subscribers have to sign an NDA so they can't go around leaking the numbers. That right is reserved to the people that pay for it. And those people only have the right to release numbers that directly relates to them.

Basically, sony/ms/nintendo can give actual numbers in their press releases just like how nintendo mostly does and MS used to do and sony used to do a very very long time ago. Sony had learnt its lesson though, coming behind the wii/360 in NA for most of the last gen made them take an nti-numbers approach in elation to the NPDs. Cause lets face it, it looks weird if you only talk about the NPD when you win. Something MS is learning now and which is why they alwayshave some sort of media PR spin for every NPD thus far. Except with november though, which I am pretty certain they will actually give numbers or an estimate.