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Deeds said:
Zekkyou said:
Deeds said:

LOL! Where are the numbers? Why is Japan so open with sales numbers, yet NPD and the leakers are so secretive? I guess [certain] companies can pressure NPD to try to hide sales numbers, but one thing they can't hide is disclosure of profits and losses. Oh well, back to Bayonetta 2. :P

There's no big conspiracy, it's NPD that don't want the numbers to leak. They make money by selling them to their subscribers.

There's no incentive for Sony, MS and Nintendo to hide the numbers anyway. Their shareholders just care about shipped figures, and that's something they can't hide. If anyone did want to hide NPD though, it would probably be Nintendo :p Their NPD hardware numbers are consistently poor.

Whew. Bayonetta 2 sure is a blast. :D LOL, as for your post, I remember the days when NPD was (like Media Create) shared openly and freely for years and years, then suddenly after [certain consoles started to fail (lol)] NPD started to go dark. First they started to combine game SKUs, then they started to delay the sales releases, then NPD stats started to deliberately leak here and there and now NPD is completely opaque. As for your post about shareholders, I'm sure GM shareholders are happy that Cadillacs are piling up at dealerships with 166 days' supply of the ATS at the end of September, and 161 days' supply of the CTS which is major channel stuffing. Shipment numbers can be manipulated, but "real" sales numbers can only be hidden. ;)

Quite possibly the worst conspiracy theory I've ever heard. Bravo.