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What I think actually IS relevant,

is that Sony is at it's core a hardware-maker,

and they are one of the best consumer eletronics manufacturars of the world,
for decades now

selling the PS3, and in their eyes, BR-players
is not just a subdivision at Sony
but it's way closer to their core business
than the 360 is to Microsofts' core business..

that's why, helped by the PS2's succes, Sony could take it's times
and come with a very High-Tech and high-end system
but also the design, the quality of hardware, the stillness compared to the xboxes, the loading times are a lot smaller etc.
placed in a 10-year vision
and they knew they had a very strong lobby around the world to support BR

Microsoft must have underestimated the influence of Sony in the cons. electr. world
