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Well, OP. I get what you're saying and I agree with you, but when was the last time you saw someone admitting that they're stupid, crazy, or on this case sheep? No one wants to see themselves as anything other than intelligent and better than the rest or at least better than the average.

And I agree with you. Complaining about every COD, AC, etc only to buy the next one day one and then say I can't believe this one sucks too, is sheep mentality. But I guess people can't control their urges and they have to have what they think they want RIGHT NOW.

Anyway, as for me, I stick to my word. If I boycott something (e.g. a magazine the editor of which made a homophobic comment), there is no way I'm going back no matter how much I used to love reading it. For me principles are more important than having some fun with a game, song, etc.

Then again, I hardly ever boycott anything because there's never a reason to when it comes to my favourite games. They usually have some or in some cases a lot of technical issues, but at the end of the day, I'd rather put up with them than not play a great game at all. The Walking Dead is a prime example. It plays terribly on the vita ( I died one too many time because the game was still loading when m zombie was attacking me- and yes its extremely frustrating) but it's such a good game that I'm definitely buying the second season when it's cheaper (and the Wolf Among us).