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LudicrousSpeed said:

49. The Last of Us (PS3)

Not gonna harp on my negatives of the campaign, but it is something that should be experienced one time just for the story and some of the writing. But this game is on here for a whole different reason, the multiplayer! The Last of Us is what I imagine Gears of War should have eventually evolved into, in terms of MP. It has the same small team 3rd person MP action, the same intense gore and brutality, and some of the same teamwork and reviving mechanics. Where Last of Us excels is its inclusion of some of the modern day MP formula, like unlocks, and XP. The MP is good enough that it would be higher on my list if it only had more content out of the box.

geez you like this game for the exact OPPOSITE reasons I do.  The MP was fun but like any online MP that is not co-op I just lost interest after a couple weeks.  Meanwhile the SP, like any great cinematic game, I can replay infinitely and just get unlimited hours out of.  I replay on easy now that I have the platinum but the set-pieces, solid gameplay, and story are worth experiencing again every time.  I like rewatching great movies too but everyone seems to react differently when I say I like replaying cinematic games.  To be clear though the reason TLoU is great is because it has fairly open gameplay and the campaign always plays differently due to letting you tackle things how you want and use supplies in various ways.  It's a gamers game in both SP and MP that happens to have amazing cinematic elements as well.

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