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Looking at the Most Wished for in the US on Amazon PS4 is number 1, with Smash for 3ds 2nd and Smash for Wii U 3rd, MCC takes 4th and the next two spots are the kinect-less XB1 and then the ACU bundle:

In the 2014 Best Sellers chart PSN cards hold the top 3 with PS4 sitting at 4th, XB1 doesn't come into the chart until number 54:

Black Friday is all about fulfilling what people's Presents will be or people have been holding out, saving up their money to buy the crazy deals, so they'll be getting what they wish for, PS4 is the highest on that list according to Amazon.
Black Friday will probably sell more consoles than any other week.
The only reason that PS4 was outsold for the December NPD last year was because of supply shortages, that clearly won't be an issue this time, but PS4 did win last years NPD.

November 18th is when GTAV comes out, that will move way more units on PS4 than Xbox One.

IMO PS4 will win this month's NPD no problem.